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1 Bedroom In 22304 Asking $229,000

Photo of 6301 Stevenson Ave #304 Landmark is in 22304 in Alexandria. Agents come from all walks of life and some are much better than others. Interview Nesbitt Realty to see if Nesbitt Realty is the real estate pro for you. You might decide that renting is better for you than purchasing, because investing in a condo has its drawbacks. Talk to Nesbitt Realty to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of buying real estate in Alexandria. Continue reading "1 Bedroom In 22304 Asking $229,000"
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5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1607, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed

Would You Be Willing To Pay $200,000 For An Unit/Flat, Traditional-Style Penthouse In 22304?

So, is 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1607 the most suitable penthouse for you? That depends. Do you need 1 full baths and 0 half baths? Are you trying to find a $189,000 1-bedroom 1-baths unit/flat, traditional-style home in Alexandria? Can you afford $189,000? Is it actually worth $198,450 or $179,550? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $ on this purchase? To inspect this 1-bedroom 1-baths property, contact a buyers agent comparable to Stuart Nesbitt. He is the ace on real estate in The City of Alexandria. Continue reading "5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1607, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed"
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$229,900 :: 2 Bedroom In Alexandria, Virginia At Canterbury Square

Photo of 12 Canterbury Sq #102 This 2 bedroom property in 22304 is listed for $229,900. Nesbitt Realty can help you locate homes that meet your needs and are in your price range. Ask Nesbitt Realty to look at condos for you before showing them to you. Not every agent will have the time for this extra service, but in some instances, a Nesbitt Realty Realtor may have already viewed homes this and other homes that meet your needs. Nesbitt Realty is a local Realtor who routinely works real estate in Alexandria. Continue reading "$229,900 :: 2 Bedroom In Alexandria, Virginia At Canterbury Square"
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250 S Reynolds St #402, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale

Helpful Considerations for 22304 in Alexandria Home Shoppers Considering Northern VA?

Purchasing real estate in Alexandria like 250 S Reynolds St #402 is perhaps the most important purchase an individual from Alexandria, Virginia will make. Actually, as a Realtor with extensive real estate know-how about Alexandria, Virginia, Julie Nesbitt is a strong defender that appreciates the informational and emotional support that shoppers need if shopping $235,000 1-bedroom 1-baths unit/flat-style homes in 22304 in the City of Alexandria and acquiring a condo like 250 S Reynolds St #402. Actually, there are always dangers in 22304 real estate.  Above all, a professional specialist like Julie can guide you to manage or avoid many of the problems  associated with buying a home in 22304 in Alexandria. Continue reading "250 S Reynolds St #402, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale"
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2 BR Place In 22304 In Alexandria For $263,000

Photo of 5911 Edsall Rd #701 5911 Edsall Rd #701 is located in the City of Alexandria. Nesbitt Realty is a local licensed real estate adviser who routinely works real estate in 22304. The listing agent represents the seller. Nesbitt Realty is a buyer's real estate pro specializing in buyers who need to buy in Alexandria. You might decide that renting is better for you than purchasing, because obtaining a home has its drawbacks. Talk to Nesbitt Realty to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of investing in real estate in Alexandria. Continue reading "2 BR Place In 22304 In Alexandria For $263,000"

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